tisdag 13 oktober 2009

Jancis Robinson om Armand de Brignac

Jag fick nyss reda på att Jancis Robinson (en av världens mest kända vinkritiker och bl a personlig vinrådgivare åt Drottning Elisabeth) har provat Armand de Brignac. Så här säger hon om upplevelsen:

“(I) shared a golden bottle, in the most extraordinarily lavish black lacquer box…with some (friends) last weekend. Now of course this is not the same as tasting a wine blind, but I have to say that I was pretty impressed. Armand de Brignac Brut Gold is extremely dense with a very stimulatingly tight bead. It’s tense and refreshing with scents in the floral / vegetation spectrum followed by real precision on the palate. I opened a bottle of one of my current favourite vintage champagnes, Pol Roger 1999 afterwards and the Pol looked a bit diffuse and ordinary.”

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